Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I've been neglecting this little bit of giggles for several weeks.

I have however been posting a few thing over on the other blog that relates to starting over if you are of the opinion that we are going to have to start the political process in this country over in a fashion more in line with the founders intent, as am I.

I don't think our Creator ever intended for us as sovereign individuals endowed with free will to ever become slaves to the largess of a Federal Government, and certainly if you look back at history you can see that the times of our greatest peace and prosperity were in times when individuals were free to create and keep most of the wealth they created.

We were created (if you prefer not to believe a divinity it doesn't matter to me, you can instead say "we were born") with the right to our life, if we can keep it, either through our own efforts or with help from parents, with the right to liberty (again if we can keep it) and the right to property (need I say it) that we acquire or create through either the sweat of our brow or the use of the brains within that brow.

We (as a collective of sovereign individuals) have the right to defend our lives, our liberty and our property from the encroachment of any other individual or group of individuals to the death or to the point at which we choose to give of our free volition any of that property to anyone else of our choosing.

Today we are faced with the prospect of having those with whom we have entrusted the obligation to defend us with the force of law (which if you think about it includes the right of lethal force) using their power, to violate us (their lawful masters) against our will. (read the polls)

Will we stand for it; or will we resist in ways that are at this point in time unclear.

Those ways might include the use of the ballot box, or the use of deadly force, or passive resistance, or simply ignoring the dictates of what has increasingly become a class of people who are not deserving of either our support or respect.

We could begin with such a simple thing as beginning to grow a bit of our own food; perhaps a couple of tomato plants in the back yard. You can grow them in a big planter or if you wish stack two or three old tires atop one another and fill with soil and compost. All it'll cost you is a bit for the plants or seeds and a little of your time and effort. Water can come from used bath water if you don't choose to pay for additional water from the city or county.

If you think about it for a bit you could probably thing of several other items that wouldn't require a lot of effort to produce.

You can carry these effort as far as you wish and have the ability, right on up to the point of buying a piece of land big enough to feed yourself and your property.

You might also begin to do without that cup of coffee from McDonald's every morning.

Search your own mind and heart for things you can do that will in some small or large way re-establish some control over yourself.

It might even become fun.