Sunday, January 31, 2010

Are you copying their ideas?

Who's ideas?

Why the Governments of course.

Even though the law has been passed and signed many years ago that the Federal Government is supposed to balance the budget every year, can any of you think of a time when that has actually happened?

I ranted a little on Red Hill Kudzu today about some of the shine they try to put on their numbers for the sake of those who are still true believers.

You can google the Chart on the budget and deficit for your self.

The question is....Are you trying to do the same thing with your finances? Does there seem to be just a little too much of the month left when the budget runs up against your stops.

If you are not in that position many paychecks would you have to miss to reach that point?

It's not uncommon......I've been there. I know what it feels like to be pulling out the cushions on the couch for loose change to pay the light bill with on the day before they cut them off. I've been behind on the mortgage......far enough behind that I got those lawyer letters; and not just on one mortgage.....on two or three at the time. (I once had seven mortgages at one time) The banks reached the end of the line and sold my property (63 acres0 on the court house steps along with one of the rental properties I had. I sold two properties for $20,000.00 less than I owed on them just to get a little breathing room. Had to pay off the balance at $500 a month for another 4 years. This month was the final payment. (Thank you Lord) We sold the remaining property worth at least $100 K for less than $20 K and moved into the only rental property I had, which thankfully had a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on it. The renter was behind anyway and so was I. The end of the rope was slipping out of my fingers. There didn't seem much reason to go on other than the fact that if I ended my own life I'd leave my wife in a worse situation than if I lived. Alive, there was at least hope.. well as a burning determination to turn things around.

We're still in that house (although we have a dream of moving one day), the mortgage is caught up (we're paying a little extra each month) The taxes are paid and the insurance is withdrawn automatically each month.

I'm not bragging, just letting you know that I've been there, seen the movie and ate the popcorn.

When the end seems near you have to really decide what is important in your life. Most of the things you think you can't do with can. Food for your family first, secondly a shelter of some kind for them, third some source of income to keep the first two thing a part of your life. Everything else comes next.

We were fortunate, while I had not much education beyond high school, the time in the army and all the business I'd been in over 35 years taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to. One thing I had picked up was a small skill that could literally be used almost anywhere. I had for all those years been learning new things, taking on new challenges, then when I had a passing acquaintance with that one going on to the next.

Are you a one trick pony. Have you only one thing you are trained for? Better make sure it's a good one then. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a correspondence course in your spare time..
...a couple hours a night for however long it takes. It is too late for that when everyting is falling down around you.

What are you doing to prepare for whatever may come? I'd love to read your ideas.

1 comment:

Diana Summerford said...

I have been told to have survival "stuff". Money outside of the bank and we have it.. We have all the camping stuff we need and plenty of guns to protect ourselves and hunt game.
Our attachment to our things is incredible. We could do with so much less... Heck, we come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing...