Thursday, June 14, 2012

Down from the pine tree

It's time to get down anyway.  The pitch was beginning to stick to the hairs around my ass and besides, I had to get a haircut.
Things have been proceeding apace, as they say, here at Periwinkle Farm (sounds better than New Place, don't you think.)
We've had a lot of rain for this time of year, especially the last few years of drought and semi-drought.  The grass is growing and the birds and insects are busy chirping and buzzing.
I hired a guy with a tractor to bushog the orchard and pasture (what will be the pasture if I ever get it fenced.  He cut for 5 hours and the front end drive shaft broke off and kept him from cutting again for 3 weeks, then he cuts for 4 hours and it came loose again but fortunately didn't break, so now he's carried it to some guy who says he can fix it.  We'll see.  He still has about 4 hours of work left to do.  He's sure not going to make any money to keep on this job.  Me..........I'd still be hopping about on one foot because I broke the other kicking a tire and cussin'.

While up the tree I could see that the same ol' political and financial shenanigans that have plagued the world every since rulers and governments first discovered how to debase the currency are still here and likely to remain so.  Sure there will be uprisings and quarrels, but the fix is in and the sheeple will still come marching in to be sheered whenever called.

Me........I'm gonna continue to refuse to come when called, but it's sure to be hot what with this heavy fleece coat.

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