Friday, June 15, 2012

Sweet Georgia Red

Good Grief!  Can there be anything better in late spring than a sweet juicy Georgia Peach?  Just ripe enough to be a little firm, yet the juice tries to squirt out of your mouth with each bite, sliding down your chin while your tongue goes flapping after, trying to not miss a drop of sweet nectar.

The Kudzu Wife (KW) came home with a half bushel sack yester-afternoon late.  She'd carried the eldest grand daughter up to Toccoa to pick up her new spectacles.  Pandora.....aptly named as she's likely to loose all kinds of hell amongst the male of the species round these parts.

She, her mom, dad and younger brother live just a hop, skip and jump as the crow flies, between Canon and Carnesville, within peach pit spitting distance from a long established peach orchard.

I'll be peeling and slicing the rest of these bad boys tomorrow afternoon after the KW and I return from the foothills near Cornelia.

Cobblers are anticipated.  Also succulent slices sprinkled with just a smidge of Splenda and a dollop of real whipped cream atop.  (reminder to self.  Stop at Dill's and get two pints of real cream.)

We also have a small bowl of fresh blackberries washed and laid out on the kitchen counter.  Just a few more may call for blackberry cobbler also.  The KW has a way with cobblers......quick, easy and plenty of real cow butter.

Hey, you can't hate me because I'm beautiful, but, it wouldn't be amiss to let your stomach dream of country goodness.

1 comment:

Joyce Partridge said...

That wife of yours is one of the best cooks i know. cobblers cake cornbread mmmmmmm